Today you one-upped your father. Needles make his room spin, but you took three shots like a champ. I held your hands, though you didn’t seem to need the comfort. I am both proud and saddened at that thought.
You’ve started sleeping 7 – 8 hours at night! Your daddy and I brag about this to anyone who inquires as if we have accomplished something tremendous. What I don’t tell them is how it scared me to death the first time you slept that long. And how I stood beside your crib staring down at your little chest moving up and down for about 45 minutes, just to assure myself that you were alive.
In other news, you love to stand up on me while I try to coax a burp out of you. Apparently I am a mountain you want to climb. Your eyes go hugely round and your right foot stomps and stomps and stomps like you have places to go and just can’t wait to get there.
Just last week you reached for the bugs that hang off of your car seat and ACTUALLY CAPTURED ONE! All hail the abdominal muscles of my baby boy! You have been straining against the harness of that seat for weeks and finally your hard work paid off. Man, you love those bugs.
EMBARRASSING FUN FACT: You adore horrible pop music. Now, these artists won’t mean a whole lot to you in 16 years or so, but feel free to peruse the digital archives to confirm that you started life with awful taste in music. Your ear-splitting screams quiet to the likes of Christina Aguilera’s “Genie in a Bottle” and TLC’s “No Scrubs.” I blame internet radio for your addiction.
This month I feel like you have become a real baby. No longer a newborn. You follow your daddy and me around with your eyes and you recognize us when we enter your field of vision. You laugh and smile and crave the outdoors. And your Uncle Joe Paul swears he taught you to wave because you love to mimic hand gestures.
But you are still my little baby who sleeps best on his mama’s chest. I think I sleep best with you there, too.
Happy Two Months.
I love this. Love you. Kiss Dex for me :)
Posted by: Tracy | July 01, 2012 at 05:38 PM